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Home > I.T. Help > Oregon Humane Society > SUMO Scheduling Software > SUMO: Mark an Appointment as a No-Show
SUMO: Mark an Appointment as a No-Show
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Marking an Appointment as a No-Show


You can mark an appointment as a no-show by following this process:


First, click the appointment you would like to mark as a no-show from the Multi-Calendar, which will trigger the appointment pop-up window. 


Then, click the arrow symbol in the upper right corner of the appointment pop-up as shown below:





You will then be taken to the Salesforce Event, and be able to mark the appointment as a no-show, by clicking the “No-Show” button in the upper right corner of the event as shown below. Keep in mind that only past appointments can be marked as a no-show.




Finally, you will be asked to confirm the no-show appointment, as seen below. It’s important to remember that marking an appointment as a no-show cannot be reversed after this step!








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